My books are both On SALE!!!
My books are both On SALE!!!
Your generous tax-deductable gift will help us fund our mission to help those in need. International donations accepted.
Together, we can make a difference.
Every dollar that comes into M3International, goes right back out to serve others!! That is one of the blessing of living off my military benefits.
We are a nonprofit organization, 501(c)3, focused on helping make the world around us a better place by serving those in need. We also provide business and leadership training. We teach and serve across the United States and around the World.
2023 Schedule
January 2023 - French Language School in Quèbec
February 2023 - To Middle East and Pakistan to train and equip pastors and leaders
April to August -Michigan to preach, teach and serve
August-Sept - Teaching and preaching trip to Singapore
October - Teaching trip to Vietnam
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Teaching on the Truth about Consequences
Check out this great video
This amazing 3 minute video will take you to Antartica! You will learn a little history about the 7th Continent, and then receive a nugget of Leadership Truths on how to best manage your subordinates. #Antartica #LeadershipTips #AntarticaHistory #LearnSomethingNew #Travel
Check out my next Leadership Journey 3x5 Video!!! This video is dedicated to Iain Rudkin who modeled Great servant leadership during our amazing Antartica Adventure with Oceanwide Expeditions.
#leadership#learnsomethingnew #antarctica#travel #BeTheDifference #servantleadership
This amazing short 3 minute video will share interesting facts about the Drake Passage tied into sound leadership advice. #DrakePassage #Leadership #Learnsomethingnew #Listen
Journey to the southernmost part of South America, in this 3 minute educational video. You'll learn about the amazing city of Ushuaia, tied to an interesting leadership tip. #Learnsomethingnew #leadership #SouthAmerica #Argentina #Ushuaia #HowToConnect
This short and interesting 3 minute video is shot in Hell, Grand Cayman Island (pre-COVID). You'll learn something new and how it ties to a thoughtful leadership principle. #leadershiptips #travelguide #conflictresolution #learnsomethingnew #conflits #leadershiplessons
This short 3 minute video will tell you how the ski industry was founded by 10th Mountain Soldiers from WW2, through hard work and discipline! #leadership #Vail #10thMountainDiv #learnsomethingnew #WWII #skihistory
Check out this great video
This short but entertaining video will give you a snap shot of the great Lucille Ball, in her hometown. You will also learn how having a sense of humor can make you a better leader. #leadership #learnsomethingnew #senseofhumor #LucilleBall
This short but powerful video will provide interesting facts about the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, in Cleveland OH, all tied to a key leadership principle! #leadershiplessons #learnsomethingnew #Rock&Roll #WorkplaceDisrespect #cleveland #travelUSA
This short video will tell you about one of the most beautiful and fun places in the USA, Mackinac Island, Michigan. Not only will you sell and learn about the Island, but hear a valuable leadership lesson as well. #leadership #mackinac #timemanagement#learnsomethingnew
See the world and learn something new in this short 3 minute video about the Presque Isle Lighthouse in Erie, PA, with a relating leadership principle! #leadershiptips #travelUSA #PresqueIsle #BeTheLight
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events!
PO Box 76322, Colorado Springs, CO 80970-6322
Merrily Madero, President
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